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  This story will never be easy to tell because it’s not a story. This really happened. I am the main character of my own story, and reliving these unfathomable events is not easy. However, writing is a great way to let go and find something positive in this ghastly ordeal. It feels like I am sorting a puzzle out and placing all of the pieces together. Everything happens for a reason, they say. I am still figuring out why this happened to me. In 2011, I moved to a new apartment that my mom purchased without asking. It had no elevators. It was on the third floor. I was surprised by a series of awful events that happened over the course of nine very difficult years. It was one hurdle after the other. It was a building full of awful surprises. I was challenged but I survived. This is the true story of how I survived the Rosetti building. Based on a true story.

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Reparación de Vereda Rampa de Accesibilidad y riego Giribone 899

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